the good way

Intercession for a Large-Scale Issue

Session 7 • Justice & peace • Activation

“God does His best work for the world through prayer. God’s greatest glory and man’s highest good are secured by prayer. Prayer forms the godliest men and makes the godliest world.” - E. M. Bounds

Through The Prayer Course by 24/7 Prayer, we are given some guidance in their toolshed resources as to how we can pray for a large scale crisis or problem. Sometimes these situations can feel overwhelming but the people of God are called to intercede on behalf of the marginalized and the oppressed and then, led by the Spirit, to take action. You may also want to do this in conjunction with Prayer Walking part of your neighborhood or another neighborhood in the city.

People afflicted

We ask God to comfort those who suddenly find their lives torn apart by grief, loss, fear and trauma.

People of God

We ask God to give courage to church leaders seeking to bring Christ’s presence and hope in the midst of trauma and profound questions of pain.


We ask God to give clarity and wisdom to government agencies, politicians, and NGOs, blessing and supporting their efforts to bring justice, reconciliation and aid.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness…” - 1 Timothy 2:1-27

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